Preventative Care

Dental hygiene

Preventative care, also known as a dental cleaning, dental hygiene is imperative in maintaining the health and vitality of the gums. Plaque and tartar deposits accumulate on the teeth over time, and only a proper dental cleaning can remove these deposits. Unremoved plaque and tartar can cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) which if left untreated, can lead to gum disease (periodontitis). Periodontitis involves bone loss of the bone supporting and surrounding the teeth, which if left unchecked, can lead to tooth loss. It is very important to treat the gums and maintain their health, as untreated periodontitis has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Diagnostic radiographs

Every new patient receives a full comprehensive examination of the teeth, oral tissues, and gums, and including dental radiographs. These show us what is happening with the bone surrounding the teeth, and if any cavities are developing in between the teeth. Also they are important for assessing wisdom teeth, possible infections around the roots of teeth, and the size and position of tooth roots of teeth that need to be removed. At our office we have digital radiographs, which have less radiation than non digital options, and show the image immediately on the screen.


Sealants are important in the prevention of cavities. Often, back molars have deep pits and grooves that make those teeth cavity prone. A sealant is a plastic coating that bonds to the tooth to fill these pits and grooves, preventing food and bacteria from getting into these spaces. They are often applied to adult teeth that have fully erupted into the mouth in children around age 6.

Fluoride Treatments

We offer both fluoride rinses and varnishes (painted onto the teeth). We are very fortunate in Moose Jaw to have fluoridated water. Some patients may require fluoride treatments if they have sensitivity, de-calcification, poor hygiene, numerous cavities, and for small children. Fluoride is a well studied, safe, effective way to make teeth more resistant to cavities.

Proform Mouth Guards

Mouth guards are very important in the prevention of dental injuries during spots such as football, basketball, or hockey. These mouth guards are custom made for your mouth and act as a barrier between the upper and lower teeth. One simple impression is all that is required.


Clenching or grinding during the night is very common in most of the population, and is often seen even in children. Tooth loss, tooth wear, shortening of teeth, chronic headaches, and gum recession has been associated with grinding and clenching. Some people may notice sore jaw muscles in the morning, but most people are unaware of the fact that they are clenching or grinding. Your dentist is a key partner in identifying this destructive habit. We offer different nightguards and splints, with the idea being that the nightguard takes the force of the grinding and the teeth are protected, also preventing sore jaw muscles and tender jaw joints.
